Every Sunday, at 10 am, we meet for a home program (nama-hatta).

As recommended, in our meetings we chant the Holy Names, study philosophy, and eat prasadam (vegetarian food blessed by Lord Krishna) together in a friendly atmosphere.

Home Program - hama-hatta

We hold nama-hattas in different places, most often in the home of devotees, trying to find a convenient location for everyone. For those who do not have a car, we arrange transportation.

At every nama hatta we

  • sing kirtan, bhajans together
  • we listen to a lecture given by one of our senior devotees, and sometimes invited exalted Vaishnavas
  • worship prasadam together
  • over prasadam and after that we have the opportunity to talk about Krishna Consciousness, our spiritual practice and preaching, share experiences or seek advice from experienced devotees.

And of course, on our nama-hattas we have a wonderful, delicious vegetarian feast (prasadam).

Write to us to take part in the home program. No special qualifications are required.