This website was created and developed by the Russian-speaking community of devotees of Lord Krishna in Toronto.

We are united by the desire to engage in devotional service to Lord Krishna, associate with devotees of Lord Krishna, and preach Krishna Consciousness. We would like to give the opportunity to learn the philosophy and spiritual practices of the authoritative tradition of Gaudiya Vaishnavism to as many people as possible.

First of all, our community brings together people who understand the Russian language. Many of us came to Canada from the countries of the former Soviet Union, such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, etc. We do not limit ourselves to communication only in Russian but use existing Russian-language lectures, books, and videos to expand our understanding of Krishna’s Consciousness.

For many years now we have been meeting, holding programs, giving lectures, doing service and cultivating the creeper of our bhakti together.
In 2020, with the blessings of Bhaktimarga Swami and under the guidance of Acharya Thakur Prabhu and other senior devotees, we officially registered our yatra. The Toronto Yatra is now the official division of ISKCON.

On this website, you will find materials that help us develop Krishna Consciousness. We hope that they will be useful to you as well.
The main goal of our society is to spread Krishna Consciousness and to preach the teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We support a friend in our daily spiritual practice and work to deepen it.

If you live in Toronto or nearby cities, join our programs and do service with us.

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